If you’re anything like me, you won’t know what you’re wearing for Easter until…. ohhh Easter morning. I’ve been shopping around for outfits to wear this weekend. I’m not entirely sure I’m actually going to buy a new outfit for Easter or if I will just find something in my closet. If I do buy an outfit, you better believe I’m going to spend as little as possible. Since I was shopping around anyways, I thought I would share some of my finds! All of these Easter outfits are under $100! There are so many cute options out there, but these are a few of my faves!
I don’t love buying an entirely new outfit for one specific purpose, but Lord knows that if I am going to buy an outfit specifically for one event, I am not looking to spend too much money on it. That is why all of these outfits are under $100. Also, all of them include pieces that you can totally reuse and style with other items that you probably already have in your closet. Even better, everything listed here is eligible for free 2-day shipping, so if you order today, you should be able to have it by Easter!
Option 1 ($97.50 total):

Option 2 ($89 total):

Option 3 ($80 total):

There you have it! There are lots of really great affordable options out there! I hope this helped you if you’re struggling with what to wear for Easter.