One thing that is very important for me when I’m shopping is the versatility of an item. I wish that I could afford to buy a completely new outfit for every occasion, but that just isn’t my reality. When I saw this cardigan, I could immediately picture in my mind two different ways that I could wear it with items that I already owned. Usually, when I can think of multiple ways to wear an item that I think is cute, I wind up buying it because I know that I will get my money’s worth out of it. Once I received this cardigan and started pairing it up with items in my closet, I realized that I didn’t have just two different ways to wear it, but FIVE! An outfit for (almost) every season as it turned out. As soon as I realized that, I couldn’t wait to share all of them! So here I give you one leopard cardigan for three seasons.
For the End of Summer
There’s something about cardigans paired with shorts that is just so bittersweet. Summers are so short and mild here in Wisconsin, so when I need to start wearing cardigans with my shorts, I know cooler weather is not long-off. Don’t get me wrong, I love fall just as much as the next basic blogger girl! But summers just go so fast that I’m always sad when mother nature starts signaling that they are coming to an end. At least super cute cardigans like this exist! They give me a reason to not be so sad about the end of summer!

Shorts (Smiliar)
Sandals (Similar)

Shorts (Smiliar)
Sandals (Similar)
For the Beginning of Fall
This look is for those 50 to 60 degree days. The temperatures are starting to drop, but you’re just not quite ready to give up open toe shoes! There are some people here in the Midwest who take pride in wearing flip flops right up until the first snowfall. I don’t happen to be one of those people. Once the temps drop below 50 degrees, it’s time to bust out the booties. But until then, I try and get every last wear that I can out of all of my sandals! The jeans and cardigan will keep you nice and cozy even with exposed feet.

Jeans, Jeans
Sandals (similar), Sandals (Similar)

Jeans, Jeans
Sandals (similar), Sandals (Similar)
For the End of Fall
Towards the end of fall, the temperatures around here tend to be consistently below 50 degrees. AKA the perfect bootie weather! When all of the leaves have fallen off the trees and the ground is a wet, leafy mess, the last thing I want to do is wreck a brand new pair of boots. That’s why the booties shown here are from last year. You can tell that they were well-loved last year, but I think they are still wearable. I try to get at LEAST 2 seasons out of all of my shoes. Sometimes if I wore a pair a lot the previous year, I will wear them again the following year on occasions that I know there’s a chance they could get wet or dirty.

Booties (Similar)
Leopard Cardigan for Winter
Over the knee boots are probably one of my favorite things to wear in the winter! I see a lot of girls wearing them in the fall as well. I am naturally warm-blooded being from Wisconsin though. The extra material tightly snugging the majority of my legs keep me extra warm, so they are not very realistic for me until the temps drop below 40 degrees. I think that the cognac color of these boots pairs perfectly with this cardigan!

Boots (exact), Boots (Similar)
Leopard Cardigan for Spring
Nothing speaks spring more for me than light and bright colors! I thought this all-white look with the pop of pale pink in the shoes made for the perfect spring look for this cardigan. For us Wisconsin folk, the temperatures really don’t start consistently staying over 60 degrees until about May. The jeans and cardi will keep you nice and warm so that you don’t have to sacrifice comfort for style!

Cami (Similar)
Jeans (similar)

Cami (Similar)
Jeans (similar)
It’s always amazing to me how some of the seemingly smallest details can completely change an outfit, but it is totally the case. If you noticed here, there are three outfits where I really didn’t change anything more than the shoes and the outfit was taken from one season to the next. Other than that, playing with colors and different basics can carry one item into the next season. This just goes to show how vital good basics and great shoes are to building a wardrobe you love!
*The leopard cardigan was gifted to me, but all outfits and opinions are my own.