Springtime here in Wisconsin can be… Awkward. One day it might be 82° and sunny and then the very next day it might be 60° and rainy. It usually doesn’t get consistently warm until the middle to end of June most years. Once the temps outside do start to rise, it seems like they only stay that way for about a month. Some years are better than others of course, but I swear there have been plenty of Summers where the highs dip down into the mid-sixties by mid-August. Since the weather in the midwest can be so temperamental, I thought that I would round up 9 spring-to-summer transition outfits. I’ve included options for everything from 60°days to outfits to wear when temperatures reach close to 90°. Keep reading to see more!
For when the temps are in the ’60s
Although the official start of spring is usually in mid-March, we really can’t expect all snow to be gone until sometime in April. (For more on dressing for spring when there is still snow on the ground, check out a blog post I did on the topic here). By the end of April and into May, the temperatures usually start to warm up to be consistently in the ’50s and ’60s. Too often those mid-range temps linger well into June. The night times are still usually especially cool well into June. That is why even though it is June 5th and the high today was 78°, I wanted to share some options for when the temps are in the ’60s.

Snake Print Top


Jeans (similar)
Booties (similar)
Bag (exact), Bag (Similar options directly from LV)
For when the temps are in the ’70s
For many Wisconsinites, the mid-’70s and sunny is considered the ideal weather. I personally like it about 10° warmer, but that’s just me. I most certainly wouldn’t complain about a sunny and 75° day! Usually, by mid-June, we start to see the temps consistently in the mid-’70s. While many would wear shorts and a tee in this weather, I think that pants and sandals are still totally appropriate – especially in the mornings when the air is still cool. In fact, pants and sandals are a go to for me when it comes to spring to summer transition outfits. Here are three examples of what I would wear on these types of days.

Tank (similar)
Jeans (similar)

JeansSandals (Similar), Sandals (Similar)

Tank (similar)
Shoes (similar), Shoes (similar)
For when the temps are in the ’80s
Here we go. Now we’re talking! This is my ideal weather! Temps in the mid-’80s are perfect for shorts and a tee shirt and warm enough to make you want to go take a dip in the pool. I don’t even like to turn on my AC if the temperature outside is below 82°. Depending on what you’re doing or where you’re going, a kimono layered on top of basic shorts and a tank can be the perfect completer piece. Here are three options on things to wear when it’s in the ’80s.

Shorts (similar)

Tank (similar)
Shorts (similar)
Sandals (similar)

Shorts (similar)
Watch (similar)